Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I had seen only one trailer for the movie the Curious Case of Benjamin Button before going to the movies to see it. My friend begged me to go with her to see it so I did because I had nothing else to do. I did not know what to expect the movie to be like before seeing it. The beginning started out kind of slow and a little bit confusing. As the movie progressed and started talking about how he was born I began to catch on as to what was going on. I never thought of something like this ever happening. It was a very thought provoking movie. One of the most intriguing things about the movie to me was that he fell in love. When they first introduced the little girl in the movie I did not think she would have an important role. When they started to become closer to each other’s age I did not think that they would end up together, but she decided to give it a chance. It was so romantic to me when they first moved in together. They seemed so in love. When she became pregnant I was trying to figure out how he would be able to raise her and was saddened when I realized he was not going to be able to. I must admit that I cried when Benjamin left her and the baby. Another thing that I found interesting was the fact that he was able to have a job on a ship and no one noticed that he was getting younger instead of older. The men on the boat should have noticed that as they got older and weaker, Benjamin was getting younger and stronger. In my opinion this was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.

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